Frak-A-Tak Management

Corporate Philosophy

management-2To Educate: Frak-A-Tak training solutions strive to educate in the “why” of pressure concepts and drilling procedures so that those that know “how” become more successful. Utilizing innovative technical advancements and evolving training solutions, we can shorten the gap between what currently exists to what is needed with respect to skills and knowledge of HDD processes. And, when workers become well-informed, they are more invested in the work that they do and are more proactive in the goal towards zero incidents. The end result – a cohesive workforce that can manage productively.

To Establish Standards in the Industry: Horizontal directional drilling involves a great deal more than just “drilling a hole”. It requires long hours of planning and designing before drilling even begins. Since reducing the environmental impact is the primary goal of a HDD project, industry standards need to be established, dictating how a HDD project should proceed and be managed. Together, with industry, benchmarks and baselines can be determined so that HDD processes are conducted with consistency and integrity.

To Serve Clients and Customers: Our clients……our customers…..are the students and teachers who participate in our training programs; they are our colleagues with whom we work; they are the oil and gas companies who own the pipelines on which we work; they are government regulators and administrators; they are environmentalists and activists – our customers consist of every single person who lives in a community where a pipeline exists. Since our ultimate goal for offering training is to create minimal environmental impact before, during and after pipeline construction our “Raison d’Être” is to create healthier, more vibrant communities in which to live, work and play.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

 – Henry Ford, Founder Ford Motor Company

Company Values

Trust through Integrity: Integrity is defined as: “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness”. Imparting knowledge from one person to another requires honesty and a genuine desire to share information/ideas on behalf of the Educator, along with the experience to back it up. With over 50 years of combined drilling and major pipeline construction experience, knowledge and skill come together to create an optimal training opportunity for students. Frak-A-Tak training understands that trust can only be guaranteed through integrity. This is the cornerstone for success and it is this belief that has been the inspiration behind Frak-A-Tak training solutions.

Customer Driven / Customer Focused  Excellence in clear communication is vital when facilitating the transfer of knowledge and information. It requires a focus on listening – for what is being said, but equally important – for what is not being said. Our facilitators understand this and strive to ensure our students are grasping the concepts taught in the classroom so that they can competently apply this knowledge in the field.

Since everyone processes and learns new information in different ways, training will address the three main cognitive learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. And, students will have the opportunity to “test” what knowledge they have captured each day by completing quizzes in preparation for a final exam.

Proactive, yet pragmatic, Frak-A-Tak training solutions are visionary, constantly evolving and keeping abreast of new concepts in trenchless technology, legislative and regulatory changes. The end result – the most up-to-date information and practice to apply on the pipeline right-of-way.

Partnerships: Working together creates success. In order to work together successfully, all relationships need to nurtured, honoured and respected. We are committed to being industry contributors when it comes to establishing standards in HDD pipeline construction, respecting the critical roles of government, industry, community leaders – of all stakeholders. It is imperative that governments, companies and individuals – all of us, take a proactive approach in the processes of harvesting our natural resources while protecting our lands and water systems.